The ultimate needle course. To just simply pick up any needle at random and hope it will create the kind of work you are wanting is a big gamble…even if you are skilled in your procedures. Choosing and using the right needle for each procedure you are doing will allow you to work with ultimate efficiency, complete the procedure faster and achieve a more predictable healed result. When we work more efficiently and spend less time in the skin…less trauma is caused to the skin and our work heals better.
Cosmetic tattoo artists have the important task of selecting the appropriate needle diameter size, count, taper and configuration for every procedure performed. The needle dictates the footprint left behind in the skin so choosing the right needle is crucial not only to achieve the artistic result wanted, but again…to tattoo every procedure with efficiency.
Choosing the right needle directly impacts our work and our results. Teryn is one of the select few cosmetic tattoo artists who learned the dying art of needle making and for years every procedure she performed was done with a needle she made. She understands the importance and complexities of tattoo needles. With thousands of procedures to her credit, Teryn will guide you through the science of needles ensuring that the outcome of your procedures becomes more predictable. She will give you the insight necessary to analytically and artistically explore the heart of procedure perfection…the needle.

Course Outline
Welcome to The Needle and the Prick®
Needle Theory Portion
Needle Handout (PDF Download)
Needle Cheat Sheet (Download)
Needle Making Video
Needle Sizes and Terminology
The Different Types of Needles
The Needle on the Bar
Cartridge Needles
Microblades and Handtools
The Standard Needle Components
Needle Size (1st of the 4 Needle Standard Components)
Needle Taper (2nd of the 4 Needle Standard Components)
Needle Count (3rd of the 4 Needle Standard Components)
Needle Configurations (4th of the 4 Needle Standard Components)
Round Configurations (Liners and Shaders)
Flat Configurations
The Slope
Microblading/Handtool Configurations
Needles Vary from Manufacturer to Manufacturer
Disposable Grips
How Far Should You Extend Your Needle
Inspect Your Needles
The Importance of Quality Needles
Needle Performance: The Mechanical Element
Needle Performance: The Human Element
Needle, Angles and Movements
Needle Codes and Label Information
Textured vs. Non Textured
Carbon vs. Stainless Steel
The Big Picture
Quick Links To Needles and Tools Mentioned in This Course
Student Testimonials

Debbie Affleck
"I just watched Teryn's Needle Videos. Teryn explains it all so well and everything makes so much sense. I love your curious mind, I've asked trainers about needles in the past and they get annoyed and make you feel as if your asking ridiculous questions but after that I realized they probably just don't know the answers. Wish you'd been my trainer. Thank you for the knowledge!"

Course Trainer
Teryn Darling

Teryn Darling has been a cosmetic tattoo artist for over 19 years. Her background and experience in body tattooing elevated her to be one of the most skilled, versatile and standout PMU artists in the industry.
Accompanying her reputation as being an amazing artist, Teryn is known all over the world as one of the top educators and speakers on several industry topics such as Needles, Color Theory, Skin Undertones and Pigment Removal. She spent years making her own tattoo needles, a long-time student of color theory and one of the innovators of pigment removal. Teryn is responsible for developing safe and effective techniques to remove migrated eyeliners and freshly done procedures… both in which she was told can not be done. Well… she did it and is now teaching these new techniques to other artists.
She owns the Girlz Ink Studio® along with her partner Kat in Las Vegas where she proudly trained and now houses several top artists. She became the master distributor for Li Pigments® in 2011 and with that she started and cultivated the Girlz Ink® Supply Store. She is a founding partner in Shades and Strokes®… the first and longest running brow class to incorporate all techniques into one class… powder brow, machine hairstroke and microblading. She is a founding partner in Skinful Beauty® which is producing some of the best and most innovative pmu products in the industry today. She is a founding partner of America The Beautiful PMU Conference® and now the Girlz Ink On-line Academy®. All this while still staying at the top of her game with her procedure skills, remaining a badass trainer, humble and down to earth. She is one of the hardest working people in our industry, she is beloved and a mentor to many.
Although Teryn is an innovator, formulator, distributor, entrepreneur and so much more… she considers herself an artist and educator/trainer above all. She has taken all of her knowledge, all that she has experienced and all that she has to give to other artists and put it all together right here on the Girlz Ink Academy. She has brought her high standards of education, training and mentorship to this academy and is confident it will help and nurture artists of all types to reach new levels in their own work.